iPhone CRPG Review

Well I’ve been busy over the last few weeks, searching the App Store for CRPG‘s.

For me I’m looking for Role Playing Games on a Computer verses fantasy button masher version of Street Fighter, like Final Fantasy.

Thus I’m looking things like: Bards Tale, Dungeon Master, Ultima, Ultima Underworld, Might and Magic, AD&D Gold Box games, Baldur’s Gate, but not dungeon crawls of the Rouge-like types.

So the games I’ve found so far are:



Now this was very early retro style game. First thoughts where the graphics were crazy old, but I read lots about the intention of the game, and it hits it’s design goals. Once you accept the graphic, you can get into the mechanics of the game, how combat works, the restrictions of one weapon and armor at a time, this all makes taking notes helpful to learn the system, while exploring an ever greater area of the game world.

While I enjoyed exploring the game mechanics, I’ll be honest, I played till I reach the levelling limit of the free version, and then felt no need to buy the full version, it was fun, but it was not what I was looking for. There was very limited side quests.

The Quest


This is much more closer to the mark of what I was trying to find. The game has a long history on PC and mobile devices, so this is really a port of the game to the iPhone platform. The game is very elaborate, and there is a lot that I enjoy, but a issue that grated for was the graphics. While they are claim to be buatiful hand draw pictures, and I assume they look good when seen at 100%, but they look really bad as they get scaled due to depth, movement. As the pictures are restricited to a 255 palette, they have the hard colour bands that come off really badly with the subpixel selection method they use, now if there where blended, and where more softened to being with I would have played more, but really it bugged me enough that I went looking for better.

I was going to return if no better was found.

Hero Of Sparta


This is a button masher, thus not what I’m looking for. It looks good, because it has too, it’s pretty lights and button mashing.




This game is fantastic, very reminiscent of the class of game that I’m searching for. The game mechanics are great, you have a team of four people, but most importantly, it looks good. As you can see in the above picture, their is classic out of place look about the wolves to the back ground, but both look good, so it does not break the immersion (wonder if it’s pre-rendered or just good blending).

I have been enjoying exploring the combat skills system, some very note worthly points are:

  • It has multiple save games, and auto save.
  • It’s turned based, so you have time to think, and plan your actions (no button mashing), but you can still do that by pressing the attack button as fast as you like, but you soon learn to slow done verse big monsters, to track health levels/damage etc.
  • I like that they have a auto generate party otpion, this allowed me to start playing with pages of help explaining how the different stats/classes/skills effect things. Now that I’ve got the game understood, I’m keen to play again with a custom party. What I’ll be keen to explore at that point is how well the game replays, or weather it will be 100% replay.

So I have found the type of game I was looking for. In fact, Undercroft is very much what I was thinking I would like ‘my game’ to be, so my hats off to Rake in Grass for this classy game. They even have little humour points like the One-Ring to rule them all in the magic shop for only 999K.

Update, 1 hour later: Just purchased the full game ($6.49 NZD) as I got to the end of the lite version. Very good price for a game that I’ve already spend a couple of hours playing..

Removed the AdSense Advertising

I have removed the AdSense Advertising as it wasn’t doing much, slowed the page down a bit, and really was random if anybody clicked at all.

What made it worse, I was thinking about the type of posts that got ‘results’, and thus was changing the way I posted. I didn’t like that, as the blog is for me, so I’ll just stick to a simpler and more transparent blog…

Last post of the year.

Well here it is, the last post of 2009. It’s been a long year in the making. We are now out of our house, packed, and just waiting for the last New Zealand based events to complete.

I really love my iPod Touch. I have been playing a lot of Perilar (free), reading about CRPG history and game design. This has been helping my thinking on how I would go about making a CRPG for the iPhone/Touch.

See you all next year!

2009 a Year in Review

The year the Foo Fighters released a Tom Petty quality song (Wheels).

James Cameron released a very hyped computer generated ‘blue version’ of Dances with Wolves.

People continued to claim RSS/Blogging was dead, and Twitter was the new king. With all of the wonder of limited capacity but with an instant and continuous stream of dribble. Proving tech people are no better than the CNN watching masses. And we wonder why the newspapers are dying…

And the year I spent weeks filling in US governmental forms that were unnecessarily complex. Texts fields to small for requested information, pdf forms that don’t allow you to save, and helpful blobs of text wasting form space, but telling you how much time it should take to fill the form out, which due to the previous problems means you have to do it in one sitting, thus have all your answers pre-found, thus you do the form twice to find the things you didn’t know. Making a mockery of the stupid Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. It’s not like when you did things by hand with a pen, you couldn’t just put the pen down (save) and resume later…

Roll on 2010.

Wordpress 2.9 upgrade failure

I upgraded WordPress from 2.8.x to 2.9 this morning, the site works well, but when I go to the main Admin Dashboard I get this error:

Not well-formed (invalid token) at line 1, column 1

Very annoying really, but I can still view other pages, so it seems to be a problem with the actual dashboard page verse the database or some other problem.

Will update once the problem is solved.

(12 minutes later..) Hmm: It’s now working… not sure that anything changed.

Extending my Apple Collection

iPod Touch
iPod Touch

Yesterday I extended my Apple collection by purchasing a iPod Touch (8gb).

I was planning to wait until we arrived in the US, to buy there, but Mahalia bought one yesterday. I could not stand the idea of her beating me in the tech race, so even though she beat me on purchasing, for some strange reason mine was the first to join the home network etc.

So I win!

I’m still trawling the App Store for useful applications, so if you have any recommendations I’m open.

There are so many applications I’m not sure how anybody could make a a living off developing apps. It’s all so crazy.

Also I would like to know how to set-up Mahalia’s App Store so she can install free stuff, but not buy other stuff. I.e. not have her account bound to a credit card. Any ideas?

9% Compounding yield over 19 years

I found out today, that my investment in Bonus Bonds I made when I was 13 has had a annualized compounding yield of 9% over all these years.

That’s pretty good performance. If only I had the vision to have invested more!

I was expecting zero growth, and the ANZ bank teller pointed out that at least I still had the original investment, and I pointed out that at 3% inflation the original $5 was worth $2.82 or should be valued at $8.84 to have held it’s buying power.

But wait in August 2006 I won $20.

I know, I’m going to have to start some lists. Plan how I spend the unforeseen windfall.

I might even get some independent investment advice.

I feel almost compelled to diversify my investment portfolio…

I think I need a tax free haven with low risk and high yield, any idea’s people?

Or maybe just leave stay in-to-win with a 25 in 2,000,000,000 chance of winning the $1 Million every month!

Hmm, just found that for each unit, you have a 1 in 16,000 chance of winning something a month, thus my original $5 should have won once every 266 years, looks like I came in 250 years early. Where-as now I should win something every 10 years… Woot!

Odd Advertising

The company across the road from where I work, keep having their adds pop-up on my blog.

Telogis AdSense
Telogis AdSense

I’m very puzzled what AdSense words I’ve mentioned to trigger it….

Forcing a SATA II HDD to work as SATA I

A few weekends ago, I advised my father-in-law, that buying a new SATA disk should work fine. Hours of blue-screen-of-death’s later, the BOIS did not see the disk,  but XP would boot then BSOD.

Everything I had read said SATA II disks should auto detect and run as SATA I mode if the controller was only SATA I, but this did not appear to work in this case.

David’s work IS guy took great glee in suggesting  ‘setting the jumpers’ verse my ‘flash the BOIS’ advise.

Turns out the 640GB Western Digital drive has a SATA I mode if you set the jumpers correctly.. and after many hours of googling through bad advise David finally found this WD Knowledge Base answer which says:

wd sata jumper
wd sata jumper

And it all then worked.
I tried this on my WD 320 GB hard drive, and the problems with booting I had for the last few years, have gone away. Yeah! I was lucky as this was in my Linux file server, so it was not rebooted often. Previously I’ve had to unplug the on-board Ethernet card before it would correctly put the seconds disk is SATA I mode, I also had to have the second disk in the primary SATA control  channel.

All solved now!